OCP Chapter 06

Chapter 06 Lambdas

  • Alles tussen curly braces...
  • work with interface with only one abstract method. (functional interface)
  • SAM Single Abstract Method (SAM rule)
a -> a.canHop()
// zelfde als:
(Animal a) -> {return a.canHop();}
  • single param
  • arrow operator to seperate param and body
  • one or more lines of code, incl semicolo and return statment.

Geen {} betekent dat ie returned. Gaat niet met 2 of meer return statements.

wel valide....

()-> true
a-> a.startsWith("test")
(a,b)-> a.startsWith("test")
(String a, String b) ->a.startsWith("test")

NIET valide

a,b -> a.startsWith("test") // missende boogjes
a -> {a.startsWith("test");} // missende return...
a -> {return a.startsWith("test")} // missende semicolon ;

Functional Interfaces

  • Predicate
  • Consumer
  • Supplier
  • Comparator


public interface Predicate<T> {
    boolean test(T t);


void accept(T t)


T get()
Supplier<Integer> number = () -> 42;
Supplier<Integer> random = () -> newRandom().nextInt();


int compate(T o1, T o2)
// ascending sort
Comparator<Integer> ints = (i1,i2) -> i1 -i2;
// descending
Comparator<String> strings = (s1,s2) -> s2.compareTo(s1);
Comparator<String> moreStrings = (s1,s2) -> - s1.compareTo(s2);

Func interface params return type
Comparator Two int
Consumer One void
Predicate One boolean
Supplier None One

Variables in Lambas

Predicate<String> p = x -> true;
Predicate<String> p = (var x) -> true;
Predicate<String> p = (Stringx) -> true;

Local variable in Lambda body

(a,b) -> {init c = 0; return 5;} (a,b) -> {init a = 0; return 5;} // DNC

Variable referenced from the labmda body

  • can access instance variable, method params, or local variables
  • Method params and local variables are allowed if they are effectively final. (no change after set...)
Variable type Rule
instance variable allowed
static variable allowed
local variable allowed (if eff final)
method variable allowed (if eff final)
lambda param allowed

Calling APIs with Lambdas


NOT on a Map! Map heeft keys and values...


begint met twee vars en returns an int!!

Not a sort on a Set of Map


Kan wel op Set of Map, maar dan over de Keys of Values ;-)

ocp 05 ocp 07
