OCP Chapter 07

Methods and Encapsulation

acces modifier optional specifier return type method name ( params) exception (optional)
public final void nap ( int minutes ) throws Exception
public final void nap(int minutes) throws Exception {
    // do a nap
  • method declaration
  • method signature (name and param list)
Element value in nap() Required
Acces modifier public NO
optional specifier final NO
Param list (int minutes) YES () can be empty
Optional Exception List public NO
METHOD BODY public YES {} can be empty

Access Modifiers

  • private , only from the same class
  • default (Package Private) Acces, from same package (no keyword!)
  • protected , same package or subclasses , bij extends Clazz
  • public, can be called from any class
public void walk() {}
default void walk() {} // DNC
void public walk() {} // DNC
void walk() {}

Optional Specifiers

  • may be multiple!
  • static,
  • abstract, when a method body is not provided.
  • final not allowed to be overriden by subclass
  • synchronized, multithreaded code
  • native , when interacting with code from another language
  • strictfp , floating point calc portable
public void walk() {}
public final void walk() {}
public static final void walk() {}
public final static void walk() {}
public modifier void walk() {} //DNC
public void final walk() {} //DNC
final public void walk() {}

Return Type

  • must have, moet er zijn mag er niet uit, gebruik void
public void walk() {}
public void walk() {return;}
public String walk() {return "":}
public String walk() {} //DNC
public walk() {} // DNC
public String int walk() {} //DNC
String walk(int a) {if (a==4) return "";} //DNC

Method Name

  • alleen letter, nummers $ of _ maar eerst character is niet nummer, en geen reserved words
  • _ alleen mag ook niet
  • begint met kleine letter
public void walk() {}
public void 2walk() {} //DNC
public walk3 void() {} //DNC
public void Walk_$() {}
public _() {} //DNC
public void () {} //DNC

Parameter list

  • not required 0 of meer
  • separeer met komma
public void walk() {}
public void walk {} //DNC
public void walk(int a) {}
public void walk(int a; int b) {} //DNC
public void walk(int a, int b) {}

Optional Exception List

  • 0 of meer exceptions, komma gescheiden

Method Body

  • moet er zijn, mag leeg


  • moet laatste element vd param list zijn
  • mag dus maar 1 zijn
  • als laatste
  • met varargs kanje ook komma gescheiden aanleveren
public void walk(int... nums){}
public void walk(int start, int... nums){}
public void walk(int... nums, int start){} // DNC
public void walk(int... nums, int...start){} // DNC

public static void walk(int start, int... nums) {
public static void main(String[] args){

walk(1); // 0
walk(1,2); //1
walk(1, new int[]{4,5});//2


Let op!

package pond.shore;
public class Bird {
    protected String text = "floating";
    protected void floatInWater() {

package pond.swan;
import pond.Bird;
public class Swan extends Bird {
    public void smwin() {
        floatInWater();            //sublcass access to super class
        System.out.println(text);  //sublcass access to super class

    public void helpOtherSwanSwim() {
        Swan other = new Swan();
        other.floatInWater();            //sublcass access to super class
        System.out.println(other.text);  //sublcass access to super class

    public void helpOtherBirdSwim() {
        Bird other = new Bird();         // <-- !!! Bird ref en Bird is in ander package.
        other.floatInWater();            //DNC
        System.out.println(other.text);  //DNC

method in __ can access a __ meber private default protected public
same class YES YES YES YES
same package NO YES YES YES
subclass in diff package NO NO YES YES
unrelated + diff package NO NO NO YES
public class ASD {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long a = test();
        System.out.println("longe int");

    static long test() {
        System.out.println("int past wel in long");
        return 12;
ASD a = new ASD();

int past wel in long


Static keywordp

  • dont require an instance of a class
  • shared, independed lifecycle
  • for utility or helper methods like uppcase()
  • for state that is shared like a counter
  • from static cannot to non static.

Static vs Instance

  • only one static method. no copys.

Static variables

  • static final is a constant

Static Initialization

  • static block runs first when class is first used..

Static imports

  • for members of classes
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static statics.A.TYPE;
import static statics.B.TYPE; // DNC mag niet dezelfde naam hebben

Passing Data

Pass By Value

  • Java is pass by value language
  • assigning a new primitive or reference to a parameter doesnt change the caller
  • Calling methods on a reference to an Object DO AFFECT the caller!
public static void main(String[] args) {
    int ori1 = 1;
    int ori2 = 2;
    String letters = "asd";
    System.out.println(ori1); // GEBEURT NIX!!! GEEN SWAP

public static void swap(int a, int b) {
    int temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

public static void voegToe(String letters) {
    letters += "d";



public static void main(String[] args) {
    int ori1 = 1;
    int ori2 = 2;
    String letters = "asd";
    System.out.println(ori1); // GEBEURT NIX!!! GEEN SWAP
    System.out.println("na voegtoe "+letters);
    letters = voegToe2(letters);
    System.out.println("na voegtoe2 "+letters);
    ori1 = voegToe1(ori1);

public static void swap(int a, int b) {
    int temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

public static void voegToe(String letters) {
    letters += "d";

public static int voegToe(int a) {
    a += 8;
    return a;

public static String voegToe2(String letters) {
    letters += "d";
    return letters;
main(new String[]{}); // ZIJN DUS NIET GESWAPPED!!!!

na voegtoe asd
na voegtoe2 asdd
public class Koala {
    public static int count = 0;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       System.out.println("init "+count); 

Koala k = new Koala();
System.out.println("first "+k.count); 
k = null;
System.out.println("second "+k.count); 
Koala.count = 4;
Koala k1 = new Koala();
Koala k2 = new Koala();
Koala.count = 6;
Koala.count = 5;
System.out.println("last "+k.count); 
first 5
second 5
last 5

Overloading Methods

  • same name in the same class
  • same name different signature (method input params)
  • diff acces modifiers
  • specifiers
  • return types (return type is niet onderdeel vd signature, als param list niet gelijk is)
  • exceptions

  • Werkt niet met niet-static en static


let op! array en varargs zijn hetzelfde nl array...

public void fly(int[] lengths){}
public void fly(int... lengths){} // DNC want is hetzelfde al hierboven...


  • Java will match the correct version if there is an option
public void fly(int length) {
    System.out.println("int "); 

public void fly(Integer length) {
    System.out.println("Integer "); 
// Autoboxing....
fly(new Integer(12));

Reference types

  • Java try to find a direct match


  • Java tries to find the most matching overload.


public static void walk(int[] a){}
public static void walk(Integer[] a){}

// Type Erasue 
public void walk(List<String> str) {}
public void walk(List<Integer> int) {} //DNC

// want na compile ziet t t er zo uit
public void walk(List str) {}
public void walk(List str) {}
// En zijn dan de dezelfde paramlists....

Only 1 conversion...

public class TooManyConversions{
    public static void play(Long l){}
    public static void play(Long... l){}
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        play(4);// DNC want int -> long -> Long !!!!

Encapsulating Data

  • access control mbv private fields
  • getters setters
  • setter == mutator
public static void walk(int[] a){}
public static void walk(Integer[] a){}
class Move {
public void walk(List<String> str) {}

//public void walk(List<Integer> int) {} //DNC
Move a = new Move();
public void fly(int length) {
    System.out.println("int "); 

public void fly(Integer length) {
    System.out.println("Integer "); 
// Autoboxing....
fly(new Integer(12));

ocp 06 ocp 08
