OCP Chapter 14

Generics and Collections

Functional Interfaces

Functional interface return type method name params
Supplier T get() 0
Consumer void accept() 1(T)
BiConsumer<T, U> void accept(T,U) 2(T,U)
Predicate boolean test(T) 1(T)
BiPredicate<T, U> boolean test(T, U) 2(T, U)
Functio<T, R> R apply(T) 1(T)
BiFunctio<T, U, R> R apply(T, U) 2(T, U)
Unary T apply(T) 1(T)

Method references

  • static methods
  • instance methods on a particular instance
  • instance methods on a parameter to be determined at runtime
  • constructors

Static Methods

.sort() is static method on Collections. Eerst vb : // Java magie om die ene param om te zetten naar input param en method overloading keuze. bij compiler twijfel -> Error

Consumer <List<Integer>> methodRef = Collections::sort 
Consumer<List<Integer>> lambda = Collections.sort(x);

instance method

var str = "asd";
Predicate<String> methodRef = str::startsWith;
Predicate<String> lambda = str.startsWith(s);

instance method on a parameter

Predicate<String> methodRef = str::isEmpty;
Predicate<String> lambda = str.isEmpty();

Calling constructor

Supplier<List<String>> methodRef = ArrayList::new;
Supplier<List<String>> lmbda = () -> new ArrayList();

Function<Integer,List<String>> methodRef = ArrayList::new;
Function<Integer, List<String>> lmbda = () -> new ArrayList();

Using wrapper class

voor primitives .valueOf()

Diamond operator

  • ONLY right side
var list = new ArrayList<>(); // Worden List<Object> als niet gespecificieerd
var list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Worden List<Integer>
List<> list2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // DNC!!

List Maps Sets and Queues

4 interfacces:

  • list: ordered collections with int index
  • set: collection without dupes UNordered
  • queue: coolection that orders elements for operation in typical order
  • map: collection maps keys + values. no dupe key allowed.

Collection is parent of all except map!

Common collections methods

  • add()
  • remove() (let op bij enhanced for loop for(var a: coll) {} )
  • isEmpty, size()
  • clear()
  • contains()
  • removeIf()
  • forEach()
list.forEach(element -> System.out.println(element));

List interface

No adding or deleting: - Arrays.asList(varargs) , fixed size, replace yes - List.of(varargs) , immutable list - List.copyOf(varargs), imuutable with copies of ori values

List methods

  • boolean add(E element), adds at the end
  • void add(int index, E elem) adds at index moves rest to end
  • E get(in t index)
  • E remove(int index) removes at index and moves to front
  • void replaceAll(UnaryOperator op) replaces
  • set(int index, E e) replaces and returns original(!)
for (String string: list) {
Iterator<String> iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
    String string = iter.next();

Queue Interface

  • ordered

Queue methods

  • boolean add(E e) -> (can throw Exc)
  • E element() ->(can throw Exc)
  • boolean offer(E e)
  • E remove() -> (can throw Exc)
  • E poll()
  • E peek()



Map methods

  • void clear()
  • boolean containsKey
  • boolean conatinsVlaue
  • Set<Map.entry<K,V>> entrySet()
  • void forEach(BiConsumer(K,V))
  • V get(Object key)
  • V getOrDefault(Object key, V defaultValue)
  • boolean isEmpty
  • Set keySet()
  • V merge(K key, V value, Function(<V,V,V> func))
  • put(K,V)
  • V putIfAbsent(K,V)
  • V remove(Object k)
  • V replace(K,V)
  • void replaceAll(BiFunction<K,V,V> func)
  • int size()
  • Collection values()
map.forEach((k,v) -> System.out.println(v));
map.entrySet().forEach(e->System.out.println(e.getKey() +e.getValue()))

Comparing CollectionTypes

Type Dupes Ordered KV Add/Remove in specifi order
List Yes Yes(by index) No No
Set No No No No
Queue Yes Yes(retrieved in defined order) No Yes
Map Yes No Yes No

Which data structures allow null

  • die gesorteerd kunnen worden mogen geen null hebben...

Oude collections

  • Vector -> List
  • Hashtable -> HashMap
  • Stack -> Queue


  • Collections.sort() returns void because sorts method param.
  • Numbers > letters
  • Uppercase > lowercase
  • Pas op Comparable <-> Comparator interface
var list = new ArrayList<String>();
        System.out.println(list); //[123asda, ASD, asda]

Comparable class

  • id - a.id ASC
  • a.id - id DESC

Comparator class

  • uit java.util
  • specifiek gemaakte vergelijking
        Comparator byWeight = new Comparator<Duck>() {
            public int compare(Duck o1, Duck o2) {
                return o1.getWeight() - o2.getWeight();
        Comparator<Duck> byWeight = (d1, d2) -> d1.getWeight() - d2.getWeight();
        Comparator<Duck> byWeight = Comparator.comparing(Duck::getWeight);
        Collections.sort(ducks, byWeight);


Difference Comparable Comparator
package name java.lang java.util
interface must be implemented by class comparing Yes No
method name compareTo() compare()
Number of params 1 2
Common to declare using a lambda No Yes

Multiple fields

public class Squirrel {
    private int weight;
    private String species;
// all the getters setter constructorsetc

public class MultiFieldComparator implements Comparator<Squirrel> {
    public int compare(Squirrel s1, Squirreel s2) {
        int result = s1.getSpecies().compareTo(s2.s2.getSpecies());
        if(result != 0) {return result;}
        return s1.getWeight()-s2.getWeight();

// OF

Comparator<Squirrel> c = Comparator.comapre(Squirrel::getSpecies).thenComparingIn(Squirrel::getWeight);

// kan ook met .reversed()


  • ---- helper static methods ----
  • comparing(function)
  • comparingDouble(func)
  • comparingInt(func)
  • comparingLong(func)
  • naturalOrder()
  • reversedOrder()
  • ---- helper default methods ----
  • reversed()
  • thenComparing(func)
  • thenComparingDouble/Int/Long(func)

  • Collections.binarySearch() !!!

  • binarySearch requires a sorted List.

TreeSet needs sorted collection


Set<Rabbit> rabbits = new TreeSet<> ((r1,r2) -> r1.id =r2.id);
rabbits.add(new Rabbit()); //Werkt nu wel


  • E element
  • K map Key
  • V map Value
  • N number
  • T generic data type
  • S,U,V for multiple generic types

type erasure

Alles onderwater na compilen Object geworden. en dan verdwijnt dus eigenlijk t class-type

Generic Interfaces

interface can declare formal type param.

public interface Abc<T> {
    void doSomething(T t);

No nos with Generic Types

  • calling constructor T() als constructor is not allwed
  • creating an array of that generic type
  • calling instanceOf (want alles is onderwater natuurlijk een Object...)
  • using the primitive type as a generic type param... moet dan dus met de wrapper class...
  • static variable T no no

Generic methods

staat voor return type: public <T> int calc(){return -1;}

public class Handler {
    public static <T> void prepare(T t) {

    sout("T: "+ t);

confusing T tricky

class T is not same as method T!!!

public class Crate<T> { //

    public <T> T tricky(T t) {
        return t;

Bounding Generic Types - generics are treated as Object... - ? wildcard - *bounded param type* - *wildcard generic type* - List en ArrayList<>

Types of generic wildcard bounds

  • unbounded wildcard, ? , any type is OK
  • upper bound, ? extends type ?
  • lower bound, ? super type
// unbounded
List<?> l = new ArrayList<String>();

// upper bounded
List<? extends Exception> l = new ArrayList<RuntimeException>();

// lower bounded
List<? super Exception> l = new ArrayList<Object>();


not the same!

List<?> q = new ArrayList<>();
var q2 = new ArrayList<>();

upper bounded

  • list becomes immutable...
    public static long total(List<? extends Number> nums) {
        long result = 0;
        for (Number num: nums) {
            result += num.longValue();
        return result;

// of voor beter resultaat met floats erin

    public static double total(List<? extends Number> nums) {
        BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        for (Number num: nums) {
            result = result.add(new BigDecimal(num.toString()));
        return result.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();

lower bound

  • zelfde class of subclasses...
  • let op met exceptions

collections in de rebound


  • arrayList
  • LinkedList


  • HashSet, unorded elements
  • TreeSet, sorted, null NOT allowed


  • LinkedList


  • HashMap
  • TreeMap, sorted, null NOT allowed

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