OCP Chapter 13


  • assign metadata tp classes methods variables and other Java types
  • an annotation ascribes custom information on the declaration where it is defined
  • annotations zal compileren niet in de weg zitten
  • case sensitive!
  • zijn impliciet abstract =. dus geen protected, private en final
  • required element, optional element, constant element
  • all requiremed elements must be provided
  • marker annotation has no elements
// creeerr Annotatie
public @interface Exercise {}

// gebruik m
@Exercise public class Blah{}

annotation element

  • zonder value => dan dus REQUIRED
public @interface Exercise {
 int hoursPerDay();

// =>

@Exercise(hoursPerDay=34)public class Blah {}

providing an optional element with default

  • type mag primitive, Class, enum, another annotation or an array of these types
  • leeg mag wel => "" als empty String
public @interface Exercise {
 int hoursPerDay();
 int startHour() default 6; // optional element

Adding a constant var

public @interface Exercise {
 int MINVALUE = 21;

Applying Annotations

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