OCP Chapter 10
- Throwable superclass
- Throwable is parent van Exception en Error
Exception is parent van RuntimeException
RuntimeException kan altijd gegooid worden. De andere Exceptions moeten worden gechecked
- Exception hoeft niet bad te zijn
- checked exception => CHECKED by the compiler
unchecked exception => NOTCHECKED by the compiler
Bij overriding methods only same or less exceptions NOT more exceptions

Exception Types
- Throwable
- Exception
- Error
Checked Exceptions
- must be declared or handled by the application where it is thrown
- checked exception inherit Exception but not RuntimeException
- try catch blocks
- handle or declare rule
Unchecked Exceptions
- checked exceptions
- unchecked exceptions (Runtime exceptions)
- unchecked do not need to be declared or handled where it is thrown. RuntimeExceptions or Error
- unexpected but not fatal.
throws and throw
Recognizing Exception Classes
- RuntimeException
- checked Exception (oplossen!)
- Error
type | how to recognize | okay for program to catch | Is program required to handle or declare |
Runtime Exception | Subclass of RuntimeException | YES | No |
Checked Exception | Subclass of Exception but not RuntimeException | YES | YES |
Runtime Exception | Subclass of Error | No | No |
RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException();
throw e;
Exception e = new Exception();
throw e; // DNC
public class MyRuntimeException extends RuntimeException {
public MyRuntimeException() {
super("My runtime exception");
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyCheckedException e = new MyCheckedException(); // DNC
throw e; //DNC
Checked exception - program continues na catch
RuntimeException - continues in try catch - stops als niet in try catch
Error stopt altijd
Recognizing Exception CLasses
- ArithmeticException - Thrown when code attempts to divide by zero
- ArrayOutOfBoundsException - array en illegal index
- ClassCastException - illegal cast to another class
- NullPointerException - when there is a null reference when object is required..
- IllegalArgumentException - method input illegal (handig als guard met specifieke error)
- NumberFormatException - "123abc" is een string die niet naar nummer kan SUBCLASS van IllegalArgumentException
let op:
String s = "sdf";
Object o = s;
Integer i = (Integer) o;
// bouwt wel maar runtime error
String s = "sdf";
Integer i = (Integer) s; // bouwt niet.
Checked Exceptions Classes
- IOException while reading/writing file
- FileNotFoundException subclass of IOException
Error Classes
- ExceptionInInitializerError static init throws
- StackOverflowError endless loop in memry
- NoClassDeffoundError
Handling Exceptions
- eerst subclass dan parent anders unreachable code => DNC
- multicatch met | => catch( exception1 | exception2 error) {}
- multicatch met 1x error variable!
- multicatch niet met sub and parent classes DNC
- exception kan maar in 1 catch voorkomen
- catch niet verplicht kan maar moet niet
- als geen catch dan finally
- finally will always run!
- finally kan zonder catch
- allen System.exit(0); kan finally doen ontlopen
- finally is handig om resources af te knopen
Closing resources
- try-with-resources statement or automatically cloase all resources openend in a try clause.
- mag catch en finnally overslaan
- implicit finally runs FIRST
- 1x finally is max
- declaring multiple resources gescheiden door ;
Scope of try-with-resources
- Scope is alleen in de try. Niet catch en finally....
- resources are closed after try en before catch&finally
- resource closed in reveoerse order of creation
Declaring and Overriding Methods with exceptions
- minder CHECKED exceptions mag in child NIET in parent
- child mag ook child van exception
- unchecked exception mag minder of meer in childs en parents
printing exceptions
- sout(e)
- sout(e.message())
- e.printStackTrace()