OCP Chapter 09

Class Design


  • Overerving
  • is proces by which subclass automatically includes any public or protected memebrs of the class
  • including primitives, objects, methods
  • Package private memebrs are available if the child is in the same package as the parent
  • private memebrs are restricted to the class they are defined in and never available via inherintance.
  • PREVENT inheritance with final keyword

Single vs Multiple Inheritance

  • class may inherit from only one direct parent class
  • class may also inherit from another class that inherits from another class

  • by design java doesnt support multiple inheritance. Only one exception: Multiple interfaces

// Steeds 1 parent
class Animal {}
class VierFooter {}
class Dog extends VierFooter{}
class Puppy extends Dog{}

Inheriting Object

  • java.lang.Object is parent van alles java classes

Creating Classes

public - default

abstract - final

public/default abstract/final class ClassName extends ANotherClass{}

Class Access Modifiers

  • top-level-class is a class that is not defined inside another class
  • inner-class is a class defined inside of another class


private String color;
public void setColor(String color) {
    color = color; // gaat dan field zetten met zichzelf -> null...

Daarom this.color


  • moet als eerste worden uitgevoerd.
  • parent class func uitvoeren
  • mag maar 1x worden gebruikt in constructor
  • verwijst naar de dichtst bijzijnde.

Declaring constructors

  • geen return type!

    public class Bunny {
    public Bunny(){}
    public class Bunny {
    public bunny() {} // DNC
    public void Bunny() {} // is geen constructor maar compiles

Overloading Constructors this()

  • this() is de eerste lijn in de contructor, MOET als eerste worden uitgevoerd.
  • geen this aanroep loop -> DNC

Missing Default No-Argument Constructor

public class Mammal {}

public class Elephant extends Mammal {} // DNC

public class Rabbit {

    public Rabbit(){}
    private Rabbit(boolean b){}

Rabbit b = new Rabbit();

public class Mammal {
    public Mammal(int age){}

public class Elephant extends Mammal {
    public Elephant() {
        //super(); DNC

Elephant e = new Elephant();

Constructors and final fields

  • let op volgorde {} blocks dan pas constructor
  • final mag maar 1x

Order of Initialization

  • super class first
  • process all static variables in order of appearancce
  • process all static inits in order
public class Animal {
    static { System.out.println("A");}

public class Hippo extends Animal {
    static { System.out.println("B");}

    public static void main(String[] args){
        new Hippo();
        new Hippo();
        new Hippo();

  • constructor start met this(); of super();
  • geen this or super dan no-arg super()
  • this() of super als niet eerste -> DNC
  • if parent hasnt no-arg constr dan child moet starten met super of this()
  • if parent hasnt no-arg constr en child not define constr -> DNC
  • private constructors cannot dooorgegeven aan child
  • final only once...

Inheriting Members

  • super.method() gebruiken (anders recusive overflow duh)

  • the method moet zelde signature hebben asl parent

  • same accessible as the parent method
  • geen nieuwe exception toevoegen
  • same return value / subtype covariant return types

A subclass is a subtype but not all subtypes are subclasses... (interfaces!)

Overloading vs Overriding

Overriding Generic Method

  • cannot overload methods changing the generic type. -> type erasure

Generic Method Params

  • kan! maar moeten kloppen
  • bij kleiner class scope dan wordt t overload

Generic Return Types

  • the return types must be covariant

Redeclaring private methods

  • permits to redeclare the same method

Hiding Static Methods

  • hidden method when a child class defines a static method with the same name asn sign as an inherited static method in the parent
  • similar as overriding but not the same... Is meer masking dezelfde parent method met eigen implentatie
  • let op : niet kleiner maken access...

final Methods

  • final cannot be replaced

Hiding Variables

  • java doesnt allow variable to be overriden.


  • object can be referenced with the same type as the object, a superclass or an interface that is implemented.


  • can define abstract methods
  • a class can implement any number of interfaces
  • a class implements an interface by overriding the onherited abstract methods
  • an object that implements an interface can be assigned to a reference for that interface.

Object vs Reference

  • In java all object are accessed by reference.
Lemur l = new Lemur();
Object lAsObject = l; // is gecast naar super object Object
  • the type of the objevt determines which properties exists in memory
  • the type of reference to the obj determines which methods and vars are accessible to the Java program


  • implicit
  • explicit
  • kan van parent naar child
  • kan NIET impliciet van child naar parent alleen met explicit casting...
Primate primate = new Lemur();
Lemur lemur2 = primate; // DNC

Lemur lemur3 =  (Lemur) primate; // Nu wel
  1. Casting a refenrece from subtype to supertype doesnt require explicit casst
  2. Casting a reference from a supertype to a subtype require epliciti cast
  3. compiler disallows casts to an unrelated class
  4. at runtime an invalid cast results in ClassCastException
public class Rodent{}

public class Capybara extends Rodent {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Rodent rodent = new Rodent();

        Capybara capybara = (Capybara)rodent; //Compiles but ClassCastException at runtime...



Kan niet gebruikt worden op ongerelateerd type....

class Bird {}
class Fish {}
Fish fish = new Fish();
//if(fish instanceof Bird) { //DNC
//    Bird bird = (Bird) fish; //DNC

Implement vs extends

  • Use extends for class-to-class inheritance. (1x!)
  • Use implements for class-to-interface relationships, allowing a class to commit to performing certain actions as defined by one or more interfaces.

Polymorphism and Method Overriding

  • polymorphism states that when you override a method you replace all calls to even those defined in the parent class.
  • parent func met super hergebruiken.

Overriding vs Hiding Members

  • static methods and static vars cannot be replaced by override!!

ocp 08 ocp 10
